Gesunde Skepsis, Verschwörungsideologie, oder Wahn?

Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"No human being is boring. If we feel bored, one of two things is happening - either the patient is avoiding what's really bothering him, and the words are a cover, or the patient is talking about an issue that we haven't resolved for our self, and boredom is our defense."
Elvin Semrad
"Man hätte mehr von der DDR übernehmen können."
Erwin Sellering (SPD) 23.3.2009
"So langsam bereue ich ja, gegen Wahlcomputer gekämpft zu haben. Die hätten wir im Superwahljahr echt brauchen können."
fefe 24.3.2009
"Der Bundestag produziert einfach viel zu viel Müll."
Konrad Schily (MdB) 3.5.2009
"The private providers of healthcare are like the private providers of computing for Connecting for Health. These greedy people just focussed on milking the NHS cash cow for what they could get while delivering as little as they could get away with - which turns out to have been almost nothing. Why don't governments learn from their mistakes?"
Dr Grumble 28.12.2009


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