Wahnsinnswoche 2024:18
In dieser Woche 86 Patientenkontakte und 6 Terminausfälle an zwei Tagen.
Sie erreichen mich telefonisch am Montag und am Donnerstag zwischen 14:30 und 15 Uhr. Da ich keine Psychotherapie anbiete und bis zu meinem Urlaub im Juni ausgebucht bin, bitte ich von Terminanfragen abzusehen.
Beachten Sie bitte, dass ich meine Praxis zum 31.12.2024 schließe. Zurzeit ist eine Nachfolge- bzw. Übergaberegelung in Arbeit – ich werde voraussichtlich im Sommer / Herbst Näheres dazu sagen können.
Wegen Datenschutzbedenken und technischer Unzulänglichkeiten arbeite ich nicht mit elektronischer AU, elektronischem Rezept oder elektronischer Patientenakte.
We queried chronic users to assess immediate effects of getting high and longer term, between-person effects. Contrary to stereotypes, we observed minimal effects on motivation or objective effort willingness. Relative to less frequent users, very frequent users exhibited more negative emotions dispositionally, but they were more motivated. They also reported less self-control and willpower.
Chronic Cannabis Use in Everyday Life: Emotional, Motivational, and Self-Regulatory Effects of Frequently Getting High. Social Psychological and Personality Science 23.4.2024
Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines communicate with distinct populations of vagal neurons to inform the brain of an emerging inflammatory response. In turn, the brain tightly modulates the course of the peripheral immune response.
A body–brain circuit that regulates body inflammatory responses. Nature 1.5.2024
There’s more neurodiversity in science compared to other fields because many scientists are the systematizing thinkers that he calls “pattern seekers,” a common trait of autism.
Science needs neurodiversity. Science 25.4.2024
Stressors and diatheses are inter-dependent and challenge diagnosis and subtyping (e.g., reactive/endogenous) based on life events.
Patterns of stressful life events and polygenic scores for five mental disorders and neuroticism among adults with depression. Molecular Psychiatry 4.4.2024
Währenddessen in Brexit-Land:
People with depression or anxiety could lose access to sickness benefits, the work and pensions secretary has said, as part of major welfare changes that have been described as a “full-on assault on disabled people”.
People with depression or anxiety could lose sickness benefits, says UK minister. The Guardian 29.4.2024
Soulfood: Rebel Girl · Bikini Kill
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