"§ 69 SGB V ordnet für das Verhältnis der Krankenkassen zu den Leistungserbringern die ausschließliche Geltung des SGB V an und schafft damit faktisch einen Ausnahmebereich, in dem die Regeln des Wettbewerbsrechts nicht gelten."
"In truth, the physician reimbursement system is not meant to be understood by mortal man. And that’s the point. It turns out that this incomprehensible physician reimbursement system was set on its current path by one simple desire: to force doctors to covertly ration healthcare."
"A person’s access to medical care should not turn on just how skilled he is as an economic creature. While some of us are smarter, taller, and quicker than others, as human beings we are equal."
"If anyone is to blame for moving from a professional contract to a jump-through-the-hoops contract it is the government. All this comes, of course, from listening to management consultants who seem to think that people will work only for money and have no concept of professionalism. Professionalism is under threat. It is very sad."