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Wahnsinnswoche 2022:13

In dieser Woche 216 Patientenkontakte und 17 Terminausfälle.

Sie erreichen mich telefonisch am Montag und am Donnerstag zwischen 14:30 und 15 Uhr. Da ich keine Psychotherapie anbiete und in den nächsten 12-16 Wochen ausgebucht bin, bitte ich von Terminanfragen abzusehen. Wenn Sie in Wuppertal wohnen, können Sie in dringenden Notfällen derzeit noch ohne Terminvereinbarung in die offene Sprechstunde kommen - bei anhaltender Überlastung behalte ich mir aber vor, diesen Service in den nächsten Wochen einzuschränken.


— Nils Markwardt (@FJ_Murau) April 2, 2022

The Remarkable "Curvature Blindness" Illusion. Discover 8.12.2017

There was more emphasis on the protection of the ‘Swedish image’ than on saving and protecting lives or on an evidence-based approach.

Did Sweden beat the pandemic by refusing to lock down? No, its record is disastrous. LA Times 31.3.2022

“herd immunity”, much like Godot, has stubbornly failed to arrive and expel the virus from the population.

From ‘herd immunity’ to today, Covid minimisers are still sabotaging our pandemic progress. The Guardian 29.3.2022

GABA release from the vPAG-CeA input is enhanced following fear learning via activation of 5HT2C receptors and that this pathway is dynamically engaged during fear learning.

Serotonin Modulates an Inhibitory Input to the Central Amygdala from the Ventral Periaqueductal Gray. bioRxiv 29.3.2022

A lot of an autistic person's anxiety and trauma (often so bad that it is disabling in itself) comes from repeated experiences of communication going horribly wrong due to the different ways autistic people and non-autistic people communicate.

A thread

— Pete Wharmby (@commaficionado) March 29, 2022

oh god, i would of never even thought these small details would be a problem

— Lucy H. ?????? (@hoalycu) March 26, 2022

Jetzt hilft nur noch beten:

Remote, retroactive intercessory prayer said for a group is associated with a shorter stay in hospital and shorter duration of fever in patients with a bloodstream infection and should be considered for use in clinical practice.

Effects of remote, retroactive intercessory prayer on outcomes in patients with bloodstream infection: randomised controlled trial. NIH 22.12.2001

Soulfood: The Kingston Trio - CooCoo-U (Vinyl) 1959

Die ganze Playlist: Soulfood@youtube


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