Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie

Übersicht - Einträge für Mai 2015


"Das von den beanstandeten Äußerungen angesprochene Kollektiv umfasste mehr als 40.000 Ärzte, die am 4. Dezember 2006 ihre Praxen geschlossen hielten. Damit war der Personenkreis derart groß und unübersehbar, dass der Einzelne von dem auf die Gesamtheit gemünzten Angriff nicht in seinen Persönlichkeitsrechten betroffen war."
OLG Karlsruhe 13.4.2007
"Primary care is dying in this country, largely because the the government which sets both the amount that doctors are reimbursed for their time as well as pattern by which private insurance reimburses, has decided that cognitive skills are less valuable than throwing a lot of procedures at the patient."
Panda Bear, MD (31.12.2007)
"A person’s access to medical care should not turn on just how skilled he is as an economic creature. While some of us are smarter, taller, and quicker than others, as human beings we are equal."
Maggie Mahar 6.10.2008
"One might as well claim that the tide which rubs pebbles smooth on a beach is doing the pebbles a service because being round is prettier than being jagged. It's of no concern to a pebble what shape it is. But it's very important to a person."
John Brunner 1975
"Datenschutz ist was für Gesunde."
Jens Spahn (CDU) 14.11.2014


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