Warum ist die Honorarverteilung der KVNO rechtswidrig?

Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and norms of behaviour."
"Any eventual reform to health care, regardless of who wins, is going to become the usual mess based first on ideological inclination and then processed through the machine of money, industry influence, political pandering and either "compromise" or "cooperation," depending on how one views unwillingness to demand absolutes."
Healthcare Blog 25.8.2008
"Universal health care is a moral obligation for an industrialized society."
Shadwofax 1.10.2008
"The private providers of healthcare are like the private providers of computing for Connecting for Health. These greedy people just focussed on milking the NHS cash cow for what they could get while delivering as little as they could get away with - which turns out to have been almost nothing. Why don't governments learn from their mistakes?"
Dr Grumble 28.12.2009
"We must never forget the complex relationship between evidence and the truth."
Richard Smith 1.12.2010


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