Wahnsinnswoche 2017:52

Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"Wir hatten den 'größten Feldherrn aller Zeiten', den GröFaZ, und jetzt kommt die größte Verfassungsbeschwerde aller Zeiten."
Wolfgang Schäuble (Bundesinnenminister, 9.11.2007)
"The Government are a bunch of cunts. And they are cunts who hate doctors."
Dr Rant
"Man will jedoch auf das KV-System nicht verzichten. Denn ohne uns würde die Unzufriedenheit der Ärzte direkt auf Krankenkassen und Politik zurückfallen."
Andreas Köhler (KBV) 29.5.2008
"When the government and insurers have effectively rationed the medical care you receive, and have forced you to pay out of your pocket to receive timely care, are you getting a rebate on your premiums or on the taxes you pay? Hell, no. You still keep paying the same huge premiums and the same 15% out of your paycheck, but you have fewer and fewer doctors to choose from and you have to wait longer and longer for care."
White Coat 26.11.2008
"This case is weird. Call psych."


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